Week 34
There are times when my body says enough is enough an simply takes over, I believe this was just such a week. With the combination of the Surgery an Chemo my body pretty much shut down. Several days were spent trying to get out of bed but failing miserably. I might get up for an hour but would use up all the energy I had. It was not till week 35 that I started to feel human again. One of the more difficult aspects of what we are going through is the dramatic Peaks and Valleys that we face on a daily basis, this was a series of very low valleys ending in a high Peak, on the plus side when I do have high peaks they are very high and I feel better than I have in over 15 years, if we could manage to stabilize it would be wonderful. The Left Foot Drop had been increasing getting worse they have me using a cane for support even with I find it hard to walk an get tripped up. I did see an orthopedic for an evaluation they took a cast and are building me a custom brace to help and to try to prevent more damage to the leg an foot.